Muscular Dystrophy UK
At the age of 5 my little brother Timothy was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a severe muscle-wasting condition, which causes muscles to weaken & waste over time,
leading to increasing physical disability.
Most people with DMD are in a wheelchair by the time they are 12, & their life expectancy is substantially reduced.
Since 1959, Muscular Dystrophy UK has been supporting families living with muscle-wasting conditions, providing essential information. advice, resources & support for people with these conditions, their families & the professionals who work with them. They fund & raise funds for vital research into muscle-wasting conditions.
Daisy Works raises funds for Muscular Dystrophy UK from special sales & events, & talks.
We are also very happy to help & get involved in Muscular Dystrophy UK events, in whatever way we can, from raffle prizes to event decoration. Please just contact us.
You can donate directly to Muscular Dystrophy UK via their website LINK Thank you.
Find out more about Muscular Dystrophy UK here.
I was delighted to hear about your continued fundraising and to receive this donation to Muscular Dystrophy UK. Please extend our thanks to everyone who contributed so kindly towards this. "
Tahera Kadir, Muscular Dystrophy UK